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June 8, 2024

“…and so that’s why this entire Giuliani debacle. The confusion of partisan politics with national security one must assume therefore is intentional. It provides cover for the real agenda, just as using hospitals and children as shields does in asymmetrical warfare, has been an insurgent practice since forever, but of course the other side will be sure to point out when the ‘rebels’ do something naughty, and all of us without really thinking much about the fact that no matter who and what, people are dying. But if you don’t do something then Putin walks all over you in between laughing about how he and American far right oligarchs got Trump elected once and may do it again due to the Democrats being lost and confused and really just wanting to go back to the old scam where they and the GOP represented in discourse mostly two different views of politics and so on. To the point they coddle the people toppling the government, or the other road, acquiescing to the demand of people like Thiel who want to end democracy because the end of work, that is robots and AI taking…well, eventually taking your job, Doc. To a corporation, what difference is there if it’s cheaper to pay an only 95% as effective computer to do your job instead of a more expensive 97% success rate. Of course I don’t know the numbers, but you can see the point. They aren’t going to need anyone soon enough. Or so they think. They’re kind of dumb because, well it’s really a mental illness where the accumulation of wealth and the cushiness and separation from the experiences of others, combined with a phobia of losing it all, makes them so crazy that they cannot any longer function as humans. They are, for many intents and purposes, alien. They have become something else and can easily utilize Clarke’s third law as a matter of course. We can’t believe that Godzilla is causing earthquakes, so to speak, because we cannot conceive of the power Godzilla wields. And so we rationalize it away as something other than what it is. We even do that when they say, ‘Democracy isn’t working’ and when they tell a bunch of people in some chat room that they fully intend to engage in domestic terrorism. We ignore it. At our own peril.”

“And you mentioned FBI here…Russian mob?…”

“Right. McGonigal was not the only Russian toadie out of the New York Field Office or the New Office. Most people haven’t even heard of the Intelligence Branch. Maybe they’re the good guys here. We don’t know. Secrecy. I think Giuliani likely handed the SVR a bunch of agents, how to approach them and so on, to get them compromised. That’s DEFCON-4 level shit right there. What do you do? Your own people are echoing not only FOX News’ talking points on the Clinton’s and the Soros’s but those are also, quite notably, Russian and Chinese intelligence talking points as well. It isn’t about a halo effect; it’s about non-democratic, autocratic, authoritarian countries trying to halt and reduce the US’ influence in the world. So that they can have that influence instead. And that’s where the whole relative-bad shit comes in. Do you really want a country that simply states what it wants as fact and ignores reality completely and those who do not are spirited away to places unknown and their existence is denied also? Because a lot of people do want that I think. Or do you want a country where the political rivals are imprisoned and beaten to death? Or do you want the greedy, nutty pirates who are more concerned with economic growth and so on? Except of course when we are instead trying to leverage Russian desire for revenge to destroy the opposition party because our own party platform offers nothing at all for anyone, and so you have to create a cult where the other side is what your side really is. Goebbels style.

“And so, yeah. Comey. Mueller. Wray. They inherited a mess. The KKK, speaking generically, has a foothold in a lot of places. Minneapolis being a main one, and one notes the constant problems with the Twin Cities’ police departments as well, and that…look there’s a large Somalian population there. So we know CIA is watching and listening to that because the politicians are terrified of a major terror attack on their watch. So they allow the KKK to exist inside the system because they would rather have them pissing outside the tent than in it. Not working out though. A serious problem. Which do you think they prefer? Obama’s VP or Trump? It’s an easy calculation when you blame the powerless for the problems created by the powerful because you aren’t allowed to criticize the powerful or you’re branded a dirty Commie.

“It’s a perfect shit storm.”

“Looks like our time is up. I’m going to recommend some Haloperdol. We’ll send it to your pharmacy.”

There was a long pause.

“You think my insurance covers it?”

“If not, there are some alternatives.”

“Side effects?”

“Weird dreams mostly.”

Another pause, then, “I have those now. Fuck it. Think it’ll help?”

“Can’t hurt.”

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